Occupational Noise Management
Health & safety noise compliance, strategic exposure elimination and reduction
Organizations today have a fundamental responsibility to minimize the impact of excessive noise on their workforce.
Most companies understand the requirement to identify hazards and conduct periodic noise surveys, but this is only the first step in managing occupational noise.
Beyond hazard identification, there is a requirement to manage exposure to noise on a day-to-day basis. This requires a comprehensive system of policies, procedures and guidelines aimed at reducing the potential for noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) to as-low-as-reasonably-practical (ALARP) levels.
Speak to a specialist
1 Typical problems areas
- Difficulty prioritizing noise control issues in the workplace
- Noise responsibilities are not well defined with the organization
- Lack of occupational noise management systems
- Lack of in-house knowledge in respect to noise management
- Occupational noise not considered in initial project design
- Help required to specify equipment noise limits (eg, ”Buy Quiet")
- Demonstration of ALARP principles in design and specification
- Workforce not adequately informed about noise issues in the workplace
- Integration of noise management with other HSE systems
2 Occupational noise management services
Occupational noise management typically involves specifying the requirements and responsibilities for:
- Noise control policy statements
- Noise management programs and procedures
- Risk assessment and prioritization of control options
- Noise control plans
- Hazard identification
- Hearing protection
- Training (hearing conservation and management)
- Audiometry
- Ongoing noise dosimetry programs
- Documentation and reporting
3 Noise measurement and surveys
Our occupational noise management capability is supported by comprehensive, high-quality measurement services, including:
- Initial review of facilities to identify high noise areas
- Noise survey measurements
- Noise contours
- Dosimetry and noise exposure assessments
- Hearing protection assessments
- Occupational noise surveys
- Engineering noise control surveys
- Human body vibration
4 Our expertise
We have leading edge capability in the design of systems to comply with local legislation. This has been developed through close working relations with regulatory bodies and an intimate knowledge of typical client issues.
5 Inquiries
For further information or to discuss your project, email us at info.vdn@woodgroup.com.
- Occupational noise control
- Occupational noise design
- Occupational noise studies
- Occupational noise survey
- Occupational noise compliance
- Occupational noise modelling
- Health & safety noise compliance
- SVT Engineering Consultants
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