FAQs about Veridian and from our small-bore webinar
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Is the complete Veridian suite available for free?
Veridian VS (Vibration Screening), including its full screening assessment capability, is available for you to use for free. Other Veridian modules, such as Veridian AM (Anomaly Manager), are available as part of a managed service through Wood’s vibration, dynamics and noise team.
To access Veridian, do I need to be in the company's network, or is it possible to access it externally?
You can access Veridian directly from anywhere you have internet access.
Who can access the user data entered in the database?
Is it possible to share a database with another contractor if needed?
You have full control over who you share your data with.
You can provide access to your projects and database to colleagues and contractors by giving them permission.
What parameters are required for quantitative vibration screening?
Where can I find my input data?
The screening methods work with a minimum amount of data. Principally:
In most cases you only need P&IDs and process flow diagrams with an associated heat-mass balance. Additional input is required for some mechanisms.
Is it possible to import a line list from Excel into the application?
Yes, you can import a line list from Excel.
Can I import field measurements of line and reciprocating pump pressures into Veridian to assess stress measurements?
Not in Veridian VS (the screening tool). However, the Veridian Anomaly Manager (AM) has the ability to import measurement data.
Will there be interfaces to HYSYS and SmartPlant or similar Smart PID and Piping isometrics?
This is currently being considered for development.
What is the level of risk assessment approach? Qualitative, semi-quantitative or quantitative?
Risks are assessed in two stages; first qualitative, and then semi-quantitative (via a likelihood of failure (LOF) score as per the Energy Institute approach.
What application size is Veridian used for? Only plants or even equipment level?
Veridian can be used to screen a single line or a complete facility, no matter how much or how little piping is involved. For example, the tool can be used for a single pump station, an offshore platform, a midstream facility, an LNG site or a large chemical plant.
Does Veridian provide options on solutions to high likelihood of failure in the design phase?
Yes, for many mechanisms, solutions and options are presented to help design-out the problem.
How do you consider supports on the line in your database?
For some excitation mechanisms (eg, multiphase and flow-induced turbulence) the support arrangement is considered by using the maximum unsupported span between supports.
Can Veridian address vortex-induced vibration (VIV) issue?
Veridian can address VIV for intrusive elements such as thermowells. It does not currently address other VIV aspects such as risers or wind-induced excitation.
Can Veridian address rough-bore flexible riser vibration?
Yes, it can assess the risk of vortex shedding from rough-bore pipework.
Is Veridian applicable to metallic piping and GRE/fibreglass piping?
Currently Veridian addresses vibration issues in metallic piping. An extension to cover GRE/fibreglass is in development.
Does Veridian consider dynamic and static states?
Only dynamic (vibration-induced).
Can Veridian be applied on subsea piping?
Yes, it can be applied on subsea piping.
It is understood that while vibration tolerances for machine -pipe systems- are satisfied during a given period, this conditions changes during the operation life. Does Veridian factor these changing trends to predict failure potential?
Yes, the change in risk can be quantified by changing the piping or process data in Veridian.
Should a diameter ratio be considered for defining small-bore piping vibration risks (eg, 1/5)?
Yes, the small-bore connection (SBC) assessment uses the Energy Institute approach, which requires a diameter for the SBC.
Can vibration-induced fatigue cracking happen while the plant is being operated within the design envelop?
Are there any examples of issues occurring when operating outside of the design envelop?
Flow-induced vibration is not routinely assessed during piping design, so issues are often encountered while operating within the design envelope – usually when something changes (such as flow rate), and the plant is being operated at a condition where there is no previous operational experience.
Whilst a plant should not be operated outside of its design envelope, there have been examples of vibration-related failures when human error has resulted in such a situation.
Veridian • Vibration-induced fatigue management (Offshore Magazine) • Vibration-Induced Fatigue – A Risk-Based Approach (API Inspection Summit 2017) • Small-Bore Piping Failures on the Rise (PDF) • Piping Vibration and Integrity Assessment • Piping Vibration Design Considerations • Webinar: Testing the limits •
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